My topic is bullying and, the site above is on sirs which you can get to on the The other Link is an article written by: Ruth Wells and it talks about "the truth about bullying" she talks about the problems bullying starts and how it can be stopped. Also she is in a workshop so in parts of the articles she says how they often speak of this issue. She says that bullying can sometimes happen more if you focus on it. And that it WILL happen in any setting where youth congregates. She states that "When youth professionals focus solely or primarily on bullying, it may be a bit like seeing the forest but not the trees." She uses other analogies and compares bullying to things that are more "reader friendly" in the article she gives a list of the truth about bullying as the articles title is " the truth about bullying". she says that media loves simple, black and white explanations. and thats what we get as for explanations for bullying. i'm excited to further look into this topic and reveal more explanations.
i like how you quote things from your source, and you don't just say what the article is about. you actually quote it, and that shows that you cared more about your topic, then just retelling.