Wednesday, March 30, 2011

  At the moment i am reading shadowland by:Alyson Noel
I am on the third book of the series "the immortals" and right now the two main characters Damen and Ever are taking care of two twins brought over from sumerland. Summerland is a place where immortals can come to practice magick or to relax. The twins lost their "magick" and now they can't get back to summerland on their own. Damen and Ever are have taken them into there home and are caring for them. But now the evil character Roman who's "true love" Drina has been killed (by Ever) has stopped Damen and Ever from ever exchanged DNA again, well until they can reverse the curse. While reading this series i have always connected a lot with Ever.I can't make personally or real life connections to how she feels but someone i am always drawn to her section of the story. Damen is her life patner and she cant touch him for etenity. She misses the crease in his neck the hardness of his stomach the touch of his hand clasped around her own. She feels it is her fault that this happened, while Damen feels it's his own. He  thinks karma is out to get him, because he thinks he has wasted his powers and now it has come back to haunt him. Ever however thinks this entire situaton should be blamed on her, everything that happened is because of her. Her obsession with getting him better... her selfishness. I think that Ever blames herslef for many things in her life and some she should. But many things she blams herslef for are not her fault at all. Its hard to relate to Ever because her anxiety makes her almost crazy so i dont think i can fully connect to her as a person. But i understand why she blames herself for everything... when she lived in Oregon her parents died mostly because of her. I think now whenever something bad happens she automatically takes the blame. Even people around her dying that never really knew her like evangeline. While Ever thinks this Damen thinks something else. And even though they are true life partners there opinions differ so often. I have to wait and see what happens to understand there point of view completeIy. I think this is a great series and i cant wait to read the next one and figure out the end of the story! 

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Independent reading book response

     At the moment i am reading shadowland by:Alyson Noel
I am on the third book of the series and right now the two main characters Damen and Ever are taking care of two twins brought over from sumerland. They lost their "magick" and now can't get back on their own. Damen and Ever are "immortals" they can live forever. But now the evil character Roman has stopped then form ever touching. They can not exchange DNA Damen will become fatally ill. In this particular blog i am focusing on Ever. She has been told he can never (until a cure is found) touch her immortal boyfriend. Damen is her life patner and she cant touch him for etenity. She misses the crease in his neck the hardness of his stomach the touch of his hand clasped around her own. She is going through hard times, very hard times. She feels it is her fault that this happened Damen feels it's his. He  thinks karma is out to get him. He thinks he has wasted his powers and now it has come back to haunt him. Ever however thinks this entire situaton should be blamed on her everything that happened is because of her. her obsession with getting him better... her selfishness. I think that Ever blames herslef for many things in her life and some she should. But many things she blams herslef for are not her fault at all. Its hard to relate to Ever because her anxiety makes her almost crazy so i dont think i can fully connect to her as a person. But i undertsand why she blames herself for everything... when she lved in Oregon er parents died mostly wel fully because of her. I think now whenever somehting bad happens she blames herslef for it. Even people around her dying that never really knew her like evangeline. I think this is a great series and i cant wait to read the next one and figure out the end of the story! 

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I really enjoyed reading Olivia's blog I thought her sonnet was really great and all her poems offered some funny rhymes and refreshing metaphors. I loved her responses to poems and pictures and how much detail she put into them.I think her blog shows a lot of effort and her homework reflects that.she definitely thought more about what she was writing and not that it was just homework.
I also really enjoyed austere blog she gets really into all of her entries and a lot of her poems were written as if she experienced every moment she wrote about. Man of her responses were choppy and not as detailed as Olivia's but they had really good ideas. They could have been expressed a lot better though.
I also really like julias blog she hit every point in both entries poems and responses. I think she cares about the homework she does and uses the terms used in class to explain her thought process.

Monday, February 14, 2011

sonnet 1

Red roses always seek perfect shaped hearts
But all hearts have many inperfetions
They are banged and bruised not black nor blue
They stand a glowing red, painted just right
Ready to be broken from heartless life
They chose dremers from devils instead
And cupid sings lullabys to mend their love
To make devils dream and make dreamers sing
To speak as if the day will grow undamaged
To pray to whom it may concern that if
The dreamers can sing devils can too learn
And if devils can learn, people rome free
To make earth better for you and for me
Your heart beats fast and so does mine time slows

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


The subway maps are all wrong
With an arrow of direction and a sparrow of connection
connection to all that now rome free
free of robins and blue jays and grand supremes

A myriad of numbers that flash through my brain
No meanings no rememberance not even of change
They sing through the trees and echo through the park
catching up to my legs that run faster as i notice the dark

The birds still sing and the wind still whistles
They work as one down to every swift tickle
They dance to the tunes the birds sing
And sway to the whistles the wind begs to stay

They dance and sing and oh how they laugh
but when dawn arrives they are gone with a gasp

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


   In my opinion the poem we read in class called " My papa's waltz" was not about abuse. There were signs of him being drunk but no concrete proof that he actually was intoxicated. I think that waltzing may have been a metaphor for him trying to communicate with his father and there is something that he has to tell him, but doesn't know how to. And i think that's where there was a line that read " such waltzing is hard" But i have more than one theme or side to the poem and I think they may have actually been waltzing and that is why his ear scraped the buckle .... because he is little and his head is up to his hips. 

   The theory of it being abuse was just someone's idea there is no proof it was abuse just that waltzing may have been a metaphor for it. So the argument in class wasn't supported on both sides, there was theory but no facts, it was a weak debate with questions and possible answers that were thought up based on opinion. The poem was open ended and not to revealing. It showed enough to form an opinion but not enough to back it up. There was always an opposing person that made sense and took away from your opinion. So to write a response is difficult and will never be perfect.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Immitation poem of Don't take my Air Jordans

Stepping on the sidewalk with thumps of cracking snow
Glittery droppings of carefully carved snowflakes melt from the warmth of the bittersweet air
In one hand my gloves in the other a bag dragging on the floor
Hopping up with every inperfection in the fallen snow

My bag held some money and a coat not wanted
The wind rushed past my uncombed hair and withered away at my licked lips    
Chapstick stayed untouched in the pocket of my sweatshirt
I kept on walking past the blinking red light only to remember i didn't know where i was going

I knew that i would find something worth wanting but didn't even have a clue of with it might be
People in my life always knew what they wanted and knew how to get it
I only had half of that
I knew how to get anything I set my mind to but I could never decide what that should be

I knew i wanted happiness and that was the only thing stomping me on how to get it
So i walked
Past the Deli, the bagel shop, the schools, the jewelry stores, the shoe store, and the sporting goods place
Until i was happy with what i was doing

Only to find that the feeling in the pit of my stomach wasn't happiness but was the feeling of being unsatisfied

Saturday, January 15, 2011

poem -- Incident

Handles gripped tightly
Hands sweating fiercely dripping on the heated concrete of a summer day
Wheels spinning faster than life leaving adrenaline lingering behind
Lanky man behind me slowly getting smaller as i roll away

Drifting as the hill gets to a flatten and the grass greets the concrete
The brakes are pressed 
The gears stop rolling
And the bike falls to the side

My helmet breaks my falls a small tear leaves my full brown eyes
And that's all i remember
Tears hitting the grass
And the grass sticking to my cheeks

Standing up was the hardest part

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Response-- Audrey Hepburn

She looks back almost in despiration. Yearning for something long gone, something she hasn't had in a long time or never had. Her hair done up wearing a necklace looking like she was going to an event maybe she was looking for someone she was meeting. Maybe she was stood up or was looking for someone to not go alone. She definitley feels lonely and is looking for something feeling like she needs help.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

response to starry starry night.

she excepts death, she welcomes it, and almost embraces it. It's not something she ignores or runs away from. She almost desires death, something she thinks of as an escape, instead of something people are scared of and feel isn't the answer, like she does. She finds living the scary part, the thing where she feels chained up and she thinks the only escape is to die. But not to die in some black hole, but under the stars, with a single black tree and a single pure soul being swallowed up to an escape of living. She is fearless and different she wants what she wants and knows how to get it. If she wants a beast to swallow her up into the night sky, then a women as brave as her deserves it,

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Poetry is the sound of your feelings ringing out on a paper and tempting your reading taste buds
The sound of your heart beating through stanza's till everyone in the world can hear your thump
Poetry is the laughter in your heart , the glimmer in your eye , and the smile stretching across your face
The giggle that gives you that tickle that nothing can help take away
Poetry is the sound of chalk hitting the concrete drawing a hopscotch court
That feeling of fun approaching but not yet there
Poetry is that shiver in the winter, the heat in the summer, the breeze in the spring, and leaves in fall
The only thing that gets you excited for new things and helps you remember the old

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

                                                                     Enter Apathy
Enter Apathy
A fear you'll become some one not known or never shown
Enter a world of destruction and abomination
A life new to the ways of the past, But it won't last.
Drag yourself through hell and pain
Enter a world of fear and terror
Don't look back or loose your way
Enter Apathy
Exit here

The blurb of my book reads ; Enter Apathy, The title Exit Here.\

     The contradiction is so debatable which makes it a great topic for a poem. The idea is making you think and not letting you drag your brain across a sponge seeing that it is capable of absorbing information but not. It wants you to feel what it is saying. Because it is a sentence that has so much to offer. It gives you freedom to imagine what you think it means and it gives you direction of what you should be thinking. It's structured but limp, Strong but weak. But yet you can write an entire poem about these 4 words. Each one feeds into the other giving you ideas and imagery and a flow of pictures that race through your head, a million different possible things it could mean. But you chose one, this is the one i chose. What these four words meant to me. A story in and of itself but open ended for you to figure out.