At the moment i am reading shadowland by:Alyson Noel
I am on the third book of the series and right now the two main characters Damen and Ever are taking care of two twins brought over from sumerland. They lost their "magick" and now can't get back on their own. Damen and Ever are "immortals" they can live forever. But now the evil character Roman has stopped then form ever touching. They can not exchange DNA Damen will become fatally ill. In this particular blog i am focusing on Ever. She has been told he can never (until a cure is found) touch her immortal boyfriend. Damen is her life patner and she cant touch him for etenity. She misses the crease in his neck the hardness of his stomach the touch of his hand clasped around her own. She is going through hard times, very hard times. She feels it is her fault that this happened Damen feels it's his. He thinks karma is out to get him. He thinks he has wasted his powers and now it has come back to haunt him. Ever however thinks this entire situaton should be blamed on her everything that happened is because of her. her obsession with getting him better... her selfishness. I think that Ever blames herslef for many things in her life and some she should. But many things she blams herslef for are not her fault at all. Its hard to relate to Ever because her anxiety makes her almost crazy so i dont think i can fully connect to her as a person. But i undertsand why she blames herself for everything... when she lved in Oregon er parents died mostly wel fully because of her. I think now whenever somehting bad happens she blames herslef for it. Even people around her dying that never really knew her like evangeline. I think this is a great series and i cant wait to read the next one and figure out the end of the story!
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