My childrens book is based on the disease Anorexia. The definition by the word dictionary is . . . Anorexia- noun- Loss of appetite- Also called ANOREXIA NERVOSA a disorder characterized by the fear of becoming fat and refusal of food, leading to debility and even death. My story is about a girl named Jenna just tyring to fit in. She starts to float away from her personality and is no longer in touch with her conscience. She is trying to be like everyone else through what she wears, speaks and acts like instead of trying to be skinny. Anorexia and personality disorder both relate to the same problem of self image and acceptance from the people you are around. Both are a severe diseases. "The classic anorexia patient is an adolecent girl who is bright, does well in school, and is not objectivley." (Rutigliano) Normally it starts with a girl who is maybe a few pounds overwieght and begins to diet. Usually the diet begins healthy and then they find they aren't losing the wieght fast enough. They may turn to bulimia another disease related to anorexia which is- Abnormally voracious appetite or unnatraually constant hunger. It's Also called Binge-Purge-syndrome. And purging is the act of purposley vomitting so you can eat but not gain wieght. Patients of Anorexia either dont eat or eat and purge.The youngest girl diagnosed with anorexia has been 7 years old. The disease can also be diagnosed as late as 50,60,70, and sometimes 80. A lot of ages have been diagnosed with any two of the diseases Anorexia or Bulima and personality disorder.
Annabella Rutigliano: Anorexia Nervosa-An issue of control of Anorexia, and Bulimia
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