Wednesday, January 12, 2011

response to starry starry night.

she excepts death, she welcomes it, and almost embraces it. It's not something she ignores or runs away from. She almost desires death, something she thinks of as an escape, instead of something people are scared of and feel isn't the answer, like she does. She finds living the scary part, the thing where she feels chained up and she thinks the only escape is to die. But not to die in some black hole, but under the stars, with a single black tree and a single pure soul being swallowed up to an escape of living. She is fearless and different she wants what she wants and knows how to get it. If she wants a beast to swallow her up into the night sky, then a women as brave as her deserves it,

1 comment:

  1. I love this. It's true. Almost the same thing I was thinking. :)
